Titled: Last Supper, First Wall
Painting Dimension: 200 x 330 cm / 78.74 x 129.92 inch, Medium: Acrylic On Canvas
Wall Dimension: 200 x 330 cm / 78.74 x 129.92 inch, Medium: Concrete

In these faces is the fear that keeps us from sleeping in peace, always vigilant so that we can know what’s happening around us and be prepared. The people of this piece are striped to show how politics and religion constantly strive to group and imprison us; to have us think that we are all different, to divide us according to belief and nationality and color. At the Last Supper, Jesus asked that we both honor and act with humanity, and our response has only been to continue to build walls between ourselves. There is a wall before this painting, cement and real, that obstructs full view of the work; you must climb the stairs or look through a hole in order to see it, though you will only be able to see a part of it. This wall is symbolic of the walls between countries; it gives you a sense of how people feel and are affected when you raise a wall to separate yourself from them. Finally, the holes make you become one of the people in the painting, seeing with one eye.

copyright © 2025 rashwan abdelbaki. All rights reserved